Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Accomplishments

^ My wife and I on our way to the inauguration in Washington.

My first election for any kind of office was to the Northampton, Massachusett city council in 1899. I won the respect of the people for the best Republican campaign manager in Massachusetts. Then a few years later I was elected to be in the house of Representatives for Massachusetts, in 1906. After that I became the Massachusett state senate in 1912, shortly after in 1919 I became the governor of Massachusett.

In 1920 I was asked to be the vice-president nominee to Warren Harding. But on August 3rd 1923 president Harding died. I was away at my family farm when I had heard the news. My farther had given me the oath so I would now be the President of the United States. After that term had ended I was re-elected (1924) because the country was in such good shape.

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